Mia Sahl

Mia Sahl


  • Editorial workflow
  • Inspire newsroom staff

Top skills

  • Teaching
  • Digital tools for newsrooms
  • Editorial research
  • Digital verification


  • English


Trainer - Google News Initiative provided by Cognizant

Sahl Media - Mia Sahl - freelance journalist

Freelance Journalist

Journalist and content strategy consultant with extensive experience working for many of Sweden’s top media organizations as a reporter, researcher, and editor. Specialized in covering Health, Science, Ecology, and Wellness. Passionate about leveraging digital technology to enhance and streamline the freelance workflow.

Kommunikatörerna podcast

Co-Host and Podcast Producer

Co-hosted and produced a Swedish-language podcast aimed at inspiring communication professionals navigating a rapidly evolving media landscape.

Editorial Consultant

Served as editor, and oversaw social media strategies for both print and digital channels. Collaborated with the agency’s key clients, including Swedish Forest Industries, Gröna Arbetsgivare, and Grafiska Företagen, to deliver tailored content solutions. Aligned communication strategies with client goals, ensuring cohesive messaging across platforms.

Content Strategist and Editor

Consulted as a content strategist and editor, specializing in digital communication. Supported clients like Umeå University and the Swedish Red Cross with reports and workflow efficiency. Responsibilities included material collection, editing, and strategic guidance on structure. Assisted clients in modernizing communication workflows, delivering tailored strategies and ensuring high-quality results across digital and print platforms.

Tidningen Ridsport Logo

Web Manager - Ridsport

Worked for Ridsport, Sweden’s largest equestrian magazine. Led the transition of the website’s platform from EPI Server to WordPress, overseeing the development of enhanced editorial functionality and improved design. Led the integration of digital platforms into the existing editorial workflow, streamlining processes aiming to boost efficiency. Collaborated closely with cross-functional teams to ensure the successful execution of the platform migration while maintaining high-quality content delivery.

Aftonbladet Logo

Reporter and Web Editor

One year on a temporary in-house contract, after that as a freelance reporter, contributing articles to various newspaper supplements and sections. Conducted interviews, researched stories, and produced high-quality, engaging content tailored to Aftonbladet’s diverse readership.


Mid Sweden University

Academic program focused on conducting and developing new forms of sustainable nature- and culture-based tourism. The program was part of the Department of Engineering and Resource Management within the main field of Technology and Natural Sciences.

Poppius school of journalism

An introductory program providing foundational knowledge and skills in journalism and communication. Poppius is Scandinavia’s oldest journalism school, renowned for its focus on core journalistic competencies.

Criscom logo

Criscom/Swedish Armed Forces

An intensive two-week course focused on preparing participants for the role of Public Affairs Officer within the Swedish Armed Forces, with an emphasis on international operations.